Darren Liu

Enlightenment Is a Real Thing

It’s the reason why I am refusing to eat, fap, play or socialize.

I know that all the effort generated from putting in hard work. Hard work builds up overtime, both spiritually and mentally. Over time, one becomes confident in his own self through persistence, self-dedication and diligence.

I feel bad for those who haven’t experienced the glorious sensation of enlightenment. Your soul becomes weightless. Every step feels as though you are walking on air. Your spirits are as high as the heavens. You can feel mother nature herself speaking to you with every breeze and the sound of animals around you. Odd things happen out of nowhere, and miracles are but a dime a dozen in the world of vast experiences.

But the only way you can ever unlock this grand aura, is through total commitment to a higher purpose and the prolonged endurance of heavy trials and tribulations. You must be under fire from the most stressful circumstances, and yet strive with every fiber of your being to complete the mission. As such, you will also be tested with the deep desires of love and friendship which serve to either be a helping hand or an anchor in your quest.

The last time I experienced enlightenment, it took me over a year of resisting temptation and undergoing the most treacherous work environment where I threatened to sue my employers. It was during that time where I befriended and eventually fell in love with a girl who could not be more different than me on the outside, but was completely agreeable with me underneath.

It is crazy, how much effort one must put in to unlock the gates to enlightenment. But it is so worth it. Many take the easy way out simply because they know not of any other way. They don’t know of the treasure that exists at the highest point of the mountain.

This is perhaps one mountain which indeed does contain treasure, and is indeed the highest point of existence for man to ascend to. I can’t stress it enough, there exists a feeling of absolute, peak fulfillment which far exceeds any mortal pleasure. It is the pinnacle of human experience. Alas, the requirements are so difficult, I often wonder if I should ever experience it again.

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